Well friends, I know I have been very neglectful of this blog in 2010 and I will try to do something about that. Guatemala has been wonderful and life has continued as normal. It has become hard for me to write because life here is so normal now. I have a feeling that when I'm home for the summer, I will be more shocked by the things I see in the US than what I have seen here. My dad and sister were able to come for a visit a couple weeks ago and they both were able to see my home with fresh eyes. I found myself laughing at some things that I would have normally just passed by...it makes me realize that I need to get out and 'refresh' my eyes!
Well, I don't have much time right now but know that I will be updating soon! Oh, for those of you that don't know, I have signed my contract for next year so I will be down here until at least May 2011! Come visit me!
Viva la Vida!