Top 10 Memories from Fall 2009:
10. New Staff coming in and meeting who we would be working with for the next 10 months. We went to Fuentes Gorginas and a Super Chivo game. I had no idea the impact that some of these people would have on my life.9. Pre-k kiddos and all the strange things they do, including wearing wings to school just because they feel like it!8. Sunset views from my apartment. How could you not fall in love with a place that has views like this daily? It blows my mind each time I see the volcano erupt and the sun setting behind it! What a beautiful thing God blesses me with daily!7. Thanksgiving in El Salvador. I had such a nice time lying next to a pool, hanging with friends, and soaking up the sun!6. Liz Wright came to visit. If you were not here, you will never understand the fun that was had and the memories that were made! The adventures of Mary and Lloyd continue.5. Discovering Portal de la Quinta. This place has become a "Cheers" like atmosphere. There have been many memories made and many burgers eaten at this establishment. 4. Halloween 2009. I was Wendy from Wendy's...or maybe Pippy Longstonckings but either way, I had a blast!3. Time with the Brodbecks. The Brodbecks are my Guatemalan family. If you have received coffee from me, this is the couple that is responsible for this deliciousness. I don't have any pictures with them, just from adventures that I have taken with them including a long weekend at Lago de Atitlan and many weekends at their house on the side of Santa Maria.2. October 2009. In October, I was attended an educational conference in the Dominican Republic and the next week, I was in Oklahoma for Sarah Shenold's (now Robert's) wedding. These two weeks were a whirlwind but I had such a great time!
1. And last but obviously first, my time with my 'family'. I am so blessed to have such great friends down here that have become family. We spend time together cooking, eating, watching "How I Met Your Mother" (thus the frozen high-five picture), and talking about life. I can't describe the feeling of having such a close-knit group of friends in Guatemala. It makes it worth it!
Once again, I hope this finds all of you well. I am on my way home right now. I will fly into DC tomorrow and be in Wyoming, Oklahoma, and back to DC before making my way back to the beautiful city of Xela Jan. 4.
Merry Christmas!