
Monday, November 10, 2008

The blog of randomness:

  • I felt my first earthquake since I got back this weekend. Pretty exciting!
  • Perrito (my favorite dog from last spring) was thought to be gone, but returned this weekend. (pictured below!)
  • I have to pour a bucket of water down the toilet for it to flush.
  • I often get words mixed up in Spanish, making my teachers laugh when I use anos instead of aƱos ('anus' instead of 'years').
  • The guy I bought avocados from last year isn't around any more. This makes me sad.
  • I was at a Flaminco dance recital Saturday night and some of the older students from IAS were in the balcony throwing stuff. I was lucky to get two pieces of gum in my hair. I wasn't happy about this.
  • I am only the third American to be a student at my Spanish school in three years (most are Dutch).
  • I was happy to see that my shower was plastic instead of metal this year, thus minimizing the 'shock' value! (I was shocked a lot last year in the shower due to the eletric heating method. They would have live wires in the shower to heat the water with a metal shower head. Anytime you would accidently touch the shower head, you would get shocked. Interesting by true!)
  • I have eaten more hotdogs in the last week than I have in the last two years!
  • Couples think it is okay to make out in coffee shops, on the streets, on the bus, ect. (not okay with me!)
  • Most dogs are kept on the roof of the houses here.
  • Life is interesting here. You should come check it out!!!
(some random pictures to go along with the random posting!)

This dog lives on my new street. He doesn't have a name yet but he will soon! Any suggestions are welcome!

Perrito! This dog was my favorite last year. He often wore a green sweatshirt when it was cold outside. I greet this dog everytime I see it with, "Hola Perrito, como estas?" I like him a lot.

One view of my room. Sorry it's mess but I wanted to show it to you all anyway!

Another view of my room. It's small but it is sufficient.

I walk down this street almost everyday. Just thought you would like to see where I spend my days...

Rest of my Life by Rilo Kelley
Buffalo Soldier by Bob Marley
Track 10 by Pulp
I'm Done by Jo Dee Messina
I'm Yours by Jason Mraz

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Ask your Spanish teacher how to say "squinty" in Spanish. that is what i think the new dog's name should be.